Sunday, January 3, 2010

Machine gun haiku action

I'm feeling deep. Deep like a stereotypical lotus flower painting. Deep like the combination of berets and bongos. Deep like the kind of deep you feel when you stare at Autumn leaves for seven hours, pondering just exactly what life is all about when you finally realize "why the hell am I staring at leaves when I could be rocking out?" because clearly, and maybe the Autumn leaves actually sparked this revelation in the first place, rocking out is what life is all about.


Anyway, for the next undetermined amount of time, I'm going to write a haiku about whatever pops into my head. For those not in the know, a haiku is a poem with 17 total syllables- five in the first line, seven in the second and five in the third. So, without further adieu...

It's haiku time, punks.

Walking alone in cold
Sob quietly to Dashboard
Shit balls, so emo*

Green beans smile bright
Pasta enjoys their friendship
My mouth crushes them

Not using adverbs
The grammar Nazi in me
Should have been brightly

Eyelids are heavy
Head aches with thoughts of more hours
Rip Van Winkle time

Special K in bowl
Blueberry flavor is sweet
Screw all other food

Russell, Tyler, Ruth
I could not finish the third town
Oh well, they are scrubs**

The Star Wars dumb death
Boba Fett is a bad ass
Sarlacc pits fuck off

Playing a guitar
Shredding like a mad man does
Sounds like shit, can't shred

Rain drops fall like sound
I don't know just what that means
Bongos make me smart


Beam me up, Scotty
Transportation would be sweet
Laziness is fun

Picard is the man
Even as a Borg he rocked
I love you Jean-Luc

Bears are silent death
Oh wait, they tear you to shreds
Ouch, I will scream now

An old man sits down
His life tick tocks as he breathes
Hope he has a will

Friending on Facebook
We are totally pals now
But we'll never meet

Protoman is pimp
His whistle makes Roll go nuts
Suck it, Mega Man

Mario gets cake
While Peach gets a damn castle 
Bitch, you pay up now

Ra ra sis boom ba
Cheering for football is fun
Favre a diva

Are these not haiku?
I follow the syllables 
Yes, I suck at poems

So there you have it. A handful of terrible, terrible haiku poems. You now know the full and ultimate meaning of life.

You're welcome.

*Actually I was listening to my newest and totally awesome UDX song.

** Just kidding, Ruthton. You're cool. Stumbled upon any new bunsen burners lately?